
Posts mit dem Label "life" werden angezeigt.


I saw the greatest minds of my time pushing battered through the nights Who never hesitated just one moment to demand everything, everything and not only a job there was to endure, Who drank through the nights of Kreuz-, Schöne- und P-berg long before anybody else, Who never became sell-outs and preferred to chew old bones, starving of hunger, Who passed the hours like wolfs; sleeping at day and hunting at night, Who heartrending snarled at the moon of advertisement billboards, And who, in their apartments oblivion, howled with the stamping beats of electro swing, ‘til their neighbours ripped their own eyes out in rage, Who danced on every feast, as long as one would let them, Who sat and talked on every bash, as long as one would listen, Who didn’t bother if someone bothered, Who were capable of understanding everything, but just chose that they would not to, Who past out at university because the rest of their lives had to do without sleep, Who never wanted to be part of somethin...